LandUse Learning Center

The LandUse Learning Center (LLC) is a demonstration garden that exhibits sustainable* practices for the three main land uses of southern California: native habitats, urban areas, and agriculture. The LLC is an educational tool for empowering southern Californians to practice natural resource stewardship at home, at work, and in the community. Each area includes labeled […]

Yagi Sisters Farm

Yagi Sisters Farm is a small-scale vegetable and herb farm in Sebastopol, CA that centers ecology, diversity, and localization in serving our community. We like to remember our roots, serve roots (on a plate and in tending), and root for others who are in aligned missions of care, quality and community well being.

Santa Cruz Permaculture

As of April 2022 we are stewards of a beautiful 26-acre farm, which lies on the unceded territory of the Quiroste people, near Davenport, CA. The land has been managed organically for the past 30 years and now we are transitioning to a regenerative, organic, no-till, mixed vegetable, flower, fruit, herb, and agroforestry farm with […]

Ferrington Vineyard

Ferrington Vineyard is located on 167 acres in the Anderson Valley, in Boonville, CA. The property is a little more than half valley floor. Steep, oak-grassland hills comprise 63 acres of the property and host a herd of 40 ewe sheep. About 76 acres of the property are planted to vineyards.

Ross Ranch

Ross Ranch is an 860-acre working ranch located just on the outskirts of Redding, CA. The ranch primarily consists of blue oak woodland, open grassland, and a handful of seasonal emergent wetlands and is permanently protected from development by a conservation easement. The ranch is used as a “learning laboratory” to test and implement regenerative […]

Paulo Farms at StopWaste

Paulo Farms is a commercial beef cattle operation. It is family-owned and has been operating for over 30 years. StopWaste is a public agency that helps Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle properly, and use water, energy, and other resources efficiently.

Chorro Creek Ranch

On Cal Poly’s Chorro Ranch, near Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obispo, California, an HSP Demonstration experiment was applied on a 10-acre hayfield. The experiment, launched in October of 2020, assesses the impact of compost application along with reduced tillage practices on soil health, yield, and forage quality on a field with cropley clay […]

Limoneira Co.

Limoneira is a global producer of citrus, with primary operations located in Santa Paula, CA. Sustainability is a central concept within our ethos, and we work hard to employ existing best practices and experiment to discover new ones. Our goal is to promote the restoration of natural ecosystem services in order to minimize our environmental […]

Chamberlain Ranch

In 1929 Theodore Chamberlin purchased 8000 acres of the mexican land grant, Rancho Corral de Quati. His wife Ailie named their ranch Rancho Los Potreros, reflecting the vast open cattle pastures. Specializing in registered Polled Herefords, Ted and Ailie raised their 5 children while successfully building the business that is intrinsically tied to the ranching […]

Timothy and Viguie Farming

The operation is collaborating on evaluating two Type A practices (Anaerobic digestate and Food waste hydrolysate application) for improving soil carbon while reducing GHG emissions.The field is located in Solano County near Dixon, CA