EcoFarm To Till or Not to Till: That is the Question
Reducing tillage, which has tended to rely on synthetic herbicides, has long been unattainable on organic farms. Recent research, however, is changing the conversation. Featured speaker Dwayne Beck is a celebrated pioneer in no-till systems development for both irrigated and drylands in central South Dakota. Dwayne will speak on the soil nutrient cycling’s relationship to […]
California Olive Ranch
California Olive Ranch is the largest grower of olives for extra virgin olive oil in California. Since 1998, we have pioneered new ways of cultivating, harvesting, and milling olives with one of the largest state-of-the-art production facilities in the country. We have ensured that the highest quality standards, sustainable farming practices, and premium production methods […]
Unruh Farms
Colusa walnut farmer Daniel Unruh has been in the process of transforming the conventional family farm he inherited from his father-in-law into what he intends to be a model for Regenerative Agriculture. It has taken time and effort—and he still uses fertilizers and chemicals in what he believes is an intermediate stage of the process—but […]
Burroughs Family Farms
Our family aims to produce the cleanest and most delicious foods in a way that protects and enhances the soil, air, water, and the environment in which we live. We work hard to use all resources carefully and wisely and to farm systematically while integrating all aspects of our farming operations. We employ a whole […]