Ross Ranch
Ross Ranch is an 860-acre working ranch located just on the outskirts of Redding, CA. The ranch primarily consists of blue oak woodland, open grassland, and a handful of seasonal emergent wetlands and is permanently protected from development by a conservation easement. The ranch is used as a “learning laboratory” to test and implement regenerative […]
Chamberlain Ranch
In 1929 Theodore Chamberlin purchased 8000 acres of the mexican land grant, Rancho Corral de Quati. His wife Ailie named their ranch Rancho Los Potreros, reflecting the vast open cattle pastures. Specializing in registered Polled Herefords, Ted and Ailie raised their 5 children while successfully building the business that is intrinsically tied to the ranching […]
Canyon Creek Ranch
The Mackey family at Canyon Creek Ranch raises organic beef and hay, and holistically manages their rangelands and pastures for sustainability, stewardship, and regeneration.
Gemperle Family Farms
Welcome to Gemperle Family Farms, a third generation farm family. Ever since we established our farm in the early 1950’s our family strives to provide the freshest local eggs to our customers and community. Our family values encompass strong stewardship … caring for our environment, our hens, our customers and our community. We are innovative […]
Handy Farms
Handy Farms facilitates life for our family, and those who order our product from out little homestead organic farm – the healthiest, most abundant, and diverse life possible on our little farm is our mission! Then share the harvest with all who desire, and value organic, nutrient-dense food grown regeneratively. Our commitment is soil health. […]
Burroughs Family Farms
Our family aims to produce the cleanest and most delicious foods in a way that protects and enhances the soil, air, water, and the environment in which we live. We work hard to use all resources carefully and wisely and to farm systematically while integrating all aspects of our farming operations. We employ a whole […]