Chorro Creek Ranch
On Cal Poly’s Chorro Ranch, near Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obispo, California, an HSP Demonstration experiment was applied on a 10-acre hayfield. The experiment, launched in October of 2020, assesses the impact of compost application along with reduced tillage practices on soil health, yield, and forage quality on a field with cropley clay […]
Park Farming Organics
Park Farming was founded in 1980 with processing tomatoes as the main crop. Through time the company perspective on farming shifted toward a more environmentally sensitive attitude, culminating in the transition to organic acreage in 1992. The change in company practices included more thoughtful crop rotation, extensive use of cover crops, gentler tillage methods, and […]
Kandarian Organic Farms
We are connecting people to the land through real food produced on our small, but mighty farm on the Central Coast of California. Modern agricultural practices favoring efficiency and profit have erased much of nature’s diversity and nutrition from modern diets, but Kandarian is changing all of that. We select our crops for their benefit […]
Bypass Farms
Nuss Farms
Nuss Farms is a fifth-generation family farming operation in California’s Central Valley, strategically located in the San Joaquin Valley. We farm over 1,000 acres of a wide range of primarily specialty crops, including garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, sunflowers, and wheat.
Dr. Jeffrey Mitchell Conservation Agriculture Innovation System Videos
Scott Park Profile in Soil Health
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