Benefits and Market Opportunities of Integrated Organic Rice & Duck Farming

Come join a free in-person CAFF field day hosted by Christopher Lopes of Lopes Family Farms in Princeton, CA to learn more about the benefits of integrated organic rice and duck farming. Lopes Family Farms is a father & son partnership formed by Bruce and Christopher Lopes. This is the first integrated rice and duck […]

Soil Health Workshop: Applying Compost on Cropland

The Placer Resource Conservation District is hosting an in-person soil health workshop Monday March 6th from 9 AM – 12 PM. Compost spreader demo & farmer insight; Compost impacts on soil & water; Cost & logistics of Compost Application; Tools for nutrient management

Timothy and Viguie Farming

The operation is collaborating on evaluating two Type A practices (Anaerobic digestate and Food waste hydrolysate application) for improving soil carbon while reducing GHG emissions.The field is located in Solano County near Dixon, CA

Agricultural Greenhouse Gas & Soil Carbon Accounting with COMET-Farm

Preparatory Homework: COMET Introduction Video Data Gathering Assignment Day 1 (Friday Feb. 17) Introduction to climate-smart agriculture Detailed overview of COMET tools with how-to style instructions Day 2 (Saturday February 18th) Open space to work on personal or group reports Discussion of reports and peer-to-peer exchange An NRCS rep will explain how COMET is used […]

Park Farming Organics

Park Farming was founded in 1980 with processing tomatoes as the main crop. Through time the company perspective on farming shifted toward a more environmentally sensitive attitude, culminating in the transition to organic acreage in 1992. The change in company practices included more thoughtful crop rotation, extensive use of cover crops, gentler tillage methods, and […]

Phil Foster Ranches

Phil and Katherine Foster farm 295 acres of C.C.O.F. certified organic fruit and vegetables on two ranches near San Juan Bautista and Hollister, California.  We have a diverse range of crops, marketing up to 60 produce items at the peak of the season.  We sell at the farm on Saturdays, at farmers markets, through local retail stores, local wholesalers, and several national […]