Timothy and Viguie Farming

The operation is collaborating on evaluating two Type A practices (Anaerobic digestate and Food waste hydrolysate application) for improving soil carbon while reducing GHG emissions.The field is located in Solano County near Dixon, CA

Canyon Creek Ranch

The Mackey family at Canyon Creek Ranch raises organic beef and hay, and holistically manages their rangelands and pastures for sustainability, stewardship, and regeneration.

Warm Season Cover Crops & Late Season Pollinator Plantings

Agenda Overview • Regional Warm Season Cover Crop Study – Chris Bernau, GBPMC Manager • Milkweed Importance – Deedee Soto, Partner Biologist, • Grower Benefits of Perennial Pollinator Habitat – Billy Synk, Pollinator Partnership • Pollen Quality and Climate Project – Annie Edwards, CAPMC Study Leader • Seed Company Panel: Seed availability for restoration opportunities. […]

Summer Cover Crop Field Day – Colusa

Friday, September 2nd | 8:00 am 8:00 am: Registration 8:30 am: program 9:30 am: tour field plots Join Tom Johnson, Agronomist with Kamprath Seeds and Margaret Smither-Kopperl, Manager at the USDA Plant Materials Center, and Sarah Light, Agronomy Advisor with UC Cooperative Extension. See summer cover crop species demonstration plots. Discuss when to plant a […]